Live the outdoor experience
The gentle wind blows that  warm feel of summer through the air. It seems just right. Everything is where it should be.

Sunlight soaks our bodys and souls into brilliant brightness. Nature transforms itself. Water gets cooler while the air turns lighter.


Summer has a fresh green feel. Dancing between the rain and the sun, intense as only it can be, green is everywhere. Green as the color of the sea when the sun shines, adding yellow tints to the water's blue. Green as the grass that receives the first drops of rain. Cooling green for summer heat.

Summer is also pink. That late afternoon hue, when the sky dresses up to welcome the night. A tone of optimism and free spirit, which occasionally dips itself into orange. Because pink surrenders itself to summer. We all do.


Embrace everything life has to offer.
Summer is contagious.
Feel it. Live it. Love it.

Tidelli, live the outdoor experience.